Google November 2023 Core Update

Google November 2023 Core Update
Google’s core update for November 2023 is now rolling out and could take up to two weeks to complete.

This is 2023’s fourth broad core algorithm update. The March 2023 core update was the first core update of 2023, beginning on March 15 and ending on March 28. The August 2023 core update, which began rolling out on August 22 and was completed on September 7, was the second core update of 2023. The third core update was the October 2023 core update, which began on October 5 and ended on October 19.

The core update contains new features. Google says that this core “update involves an improvement to a different core system than last month.” Google stated that the core update guidance for both is the same.

The reviews will be updated next week. Google has also stated that a review update will be released next week. This, according to Google, “will also mark a point when we’ll no longer be giving periodic notifications of improvements to our reviews system, because they will be happening at a regular and ongoing pace.”

More information. Google has published a more detailed Q&A explaining the new core update and the upcoming reviews update.


  • Why is there another core update so soon? According to Google’s declaration “We have different systems that are considered core to our ranking process; this month’s core update involves an improvement to a different core system than last month.”


  • What exactly is the distinction between a ranking update and a ranking system?”Ranking systems are what we use to generate search results,” Google explained. We employ a number of distinct ranking systems. We have a Google search ranking system guide that explains some of our more prominent ones. When we improve a ranking system, we call it an update.”


  • What effect do updates have? “”We rank search results using automated systems, which, like anything else, aren’t perfect,” Google explained. We are constantly looking for ways to improve these systems in order to achieve better results.


  • Why do some updates conflict? “We try to separate notable updates so that if they produce changes, site owners can better identify which system is involved,” Google said. However, given the volume of updates, this isn’t always possible. Furthermore, we don’t want to hold back an update that has been evaluated and approved because it will improve Search.”


  • Why are some updates being released during the holiday season? “”We try to avoid updates from late November to mid-December whenever possible,” Google said. However, this is not always possible. If we have updates that can improve Search that have been developed over several months, we will release them as soon as they are ready.”


What to do if you are struck. Google has previously provided guidance on what to do if you are adversely affected by a core update:
  • There are no specific procedures to follow in order to recover. A negative ranking impact may not indicate that there is anything wrong with your pages.


  • Google has provided a list of questions to consider if your site is affected by a core update.


  • According to Google, there is some recovery between core updates, but the biggest difference will be after another core update.


Why do we care? When Google updates its search ranking algorithms, your site’s ranking can improve or deteriorate. Knowing when Google makes these updates gives us a starting point for determining whether the issue was caused by something you changed on your website or by something Google changed with its ranking algorithm. Today, we learned that Google has released a core ranking update, so keep an eye on your analytics and rankings in the coming weeks.

However, because the spam update was released at the same time, it may be difficult to determine which update or updates impacted your site.